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Henry the Linguist (2)



As I feared, Pudge’s situation has not been satisfactorily remedied. He struggles to make his voice heard in the cacophony of grunting and squealing at mealtime and is often shouldered out of the way during extended scratching sessions.


As you have not responded to my previous dispatch, I beg of you, give ear to Pudge, whom I quote below. I’ve included my translation notes as well. The following conversation occurred last Tuesday while Pudge and I savored the morning sun together in front of Pudge and Jorge’s hut. At present, our discourse is rather halting, as Pudge is constrained by a limited vocabulary. He is making progress, though, and I am pleased to see his comprehension expand in small, daily triumphs.


[The porcine greeting appears to be of a coarse nature, without any of the ritualistic indications of class and ranking that I, as a cat, carefully perform.]

“I am helping Henry learn the pig language.”

[If I can provide some meaning for Pudge, I will gladly encourage this delusion.]

“I am mostly happy.”

[You can sense the deep dissatisfaction that Pudge attempts to conceal.]

“My straw is warm and dry and I can snuffle through the grass for leftover bits of breakfast grain.”

[During this portion of our interaction, Pudge enacted a delicate snorting with rapid up-and-down snout motions and vigorous tail twirls. After protracted observation and repeated translation attempts, I’ve rendered this as “snuffling,” a frequent behavior that occupies much of Pudge’s time…when he isn’t napping, that is.]

“I am not happy when I am hungry.”

[Here, the sadness and distress that Pudge endures are palpable, and I entreat your sympathies on his behalf.]

“But mostly I am full.”


I am sure you share my concern at Pudge’s rather desperate situation. It would be wise to consider the provision of an additional meal, perhaps at midday, to stave off the agonizing hunger pangs that he suffers from. As a concerned observer, I suggest immediate action. I am confident that all denizens of the Patch will soon unite and rise up with me to protest if Feeders do not act swiftly.


In sincerity and with grave concerns, your servant,




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